Walpole Public Library
A presentation on Walpole’s rich 300-year history
Walpole Public Library
143 School Street
The Walpole Historical Society and the Walpole Public Library bring you this lecture by resident Gary Riggott. Gary and his wife Deb moved here in 1992 from Wakefield after he got a job at what is now Siemens Healthcare. He’s the father of Steven Riggott, TriCounty High School Class of 2013, and Alexis Riggott, Walpole High Class of 2014. He’s been involved with the Walpole Trails Committee since the early 2000s, and the Town Forest Committee since the mid-2000s. He has organized several trail numbering and mapping projects, organized trail cleanups and hikes, and most notably saw to completion the construction of the School Meadow Brook Boardwalk. He encourages everyone who can to use the trails and to join in on the Committee’s efforts and outings.
Walpole Historical Society
33 West Street
To learn more about the historical society:
Walpole Historical Society